Internationaal verzet tegen cyberaanvallen Opstelten groeit
We blogden eerder over het computerinbraak-voorstel van Opstelten. Dit onzalige plan raakt niet alleen maar onschuldige Nederlanders, maar ook internetters in andere landen. Gelukkig spreekt de Electronic Frontier Foundation zich ook uit tegen het voorstel.
“What would the world look like if every country’s police were allowed and encouraged to break into computers worldwide to enforce their national laws? We would see a wave of attacks against computers everywhere for blasphemy, hate speech, tax evasion, promoting homosexuality, criticizing the King of Thailand or Atatürk, or disagreements about copyright infringement. Nobody wants to live in a world where every country’s laws are simultaneously applied by brute force. That chaos would threaten the stability and usability of entire network. EFF joins Bits of Freedom, a Digital Rights organization in the Netherlands, in calling for international opposition to this outrageous proposal:”
Wie volgt?