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Interesting articles and tips about our work


The best of the internet


Behind-the-scenes of a Dutch digital rights organisation

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Every month we like to send you some of the hot topics we came across on the Internet as well as a selection of our best articles.

We share some of the most interesting developments at the intersection of human rights and technology with you. Stay informed about the threats and victories for an open and free Internet. All independent of Big Tech platforms, but "simply" in your inbox.

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✍️ Evelyn Austin

Our director

Evelyn Austin is the Executive Director of Bits of Freedom. Evelyn has been working at the intersection of technology and society for 15 years and co-founded The Hmm, an experimental research platform for internet cultures. Evelyn joined Bits of Freedom in 2014. As director since 2019, Evelyn is responsible for strategy, staff, and operational leadership.

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